
The GO-EuroMed project’s major milestones are its conferences and related publications, its
deliverable Working Package Reports, its annual management and scientific progress reports.
>> Stage III Summary of findings <<
>> Policy Brief <<
"Financial Markets, Economic Growth and the Missing Link - A Role for the EMP?" Go-EuroMed MPSG Working Paper 0802 Andreas Kern, Alexander Salhi and Nevine Eid
Go-EuroMed Working Package Summaries 2008
Working Papers 2008
No. |
Author |
Title |
Institute |
Sirma Süren
Impacts of the EU negotiation process on Turkish domestic institutional reforms
Sabanci University Istanbul, Turkey
Ahmed Driouchi & Nada Zouag
Domestic Institutions, Intellectual Property Rights & Development in the EU-Mediterranean Partner Countries
Institute of Economic Analysis & Prospective Studies (IEAPS) Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane, Morocco
Makram Malaeb
Domestic Institutions for the Enforcement of Contracts: The Case of Lebanon
The Lebanese Center for Policy Studies (LCPS), Beirut, Lebanon
Katarzyna Żukrowska et al
Building Euro-Med Free Trade Agreement - How to Improve the Bilateral Management Strategies?
International Security Department Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
Alina Khasabova and Mark Furness
Defining the role of the EU in managing illegal migration in the Mediterranean Basin: Policy, Operations and Oversight
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Yasmeen Tabba
Making the EuroMed Agreements Work: Strengthening Bilateral Institutions
Center for Strategic Studies, University of Jordan, Jordan
Mireia Delgado
Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation: The Institutional Options
University Institute for European Studies CEU, San Pablo University, Madrid
Thierry Montalieu & Cristina Boboc-Trandas
The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: Conditionality design and policy reform in a comparative perspective
Institute of Economic Analysis & Prospective Studies (IEAPS) Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane Morocco
Isabelle Rabaud, Ahmed Driouchi & Nada Zouag
Multilateral Institutional Mechanisms for Development through Investments from Returning Migrants and Diasporas
Laboratoire d'Économie d'Orléans(LEO), University of Orléans, France
Institute of Economic Analysis & Prospective Studies (IEAPS) Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane Morocco
>> GO-EuroMed Stage II Summary <<
>> MPSG Working Paper I <<
Go-EuroMed Working Package Summaries 2007
Working Package |
Coordinator |
Title |
Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey
The Impact of EU Enlargement on the Barcelona Process
Institute of Economic Analysis & Prospective Studies (IEAPS), Al Akhawayn University Ifrane,
Domestic Reforms in Mediterranean Partner Countries of the European Union
Centre for Strategic Studies (CSS), University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
New Challenges: Regional Integration
Laboratoire d'Économie d’Orléans (LEO), University of Orléans, France
New Challenges: Demography, Migration and Culture
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, Freie Universität Berlin; IDEE, San Pablo CEU, Madrid
New Challenges: Geopolitical Change
Go-EuroMed Working Papers 2007
No. |
Author |
Title |
Institute |
Sibel Oktay
Post-Enlargement Trauma of the Euro-Med
Partnership: An Analysis of Member State
Sabanci University Istanbul, Turkey
Bahri Yilmaz & Ezgi Özgül Öztürk
International Competitiveness and Foreign Trade Specialisation
in the Enlarged European Union and MPCs
Sabanci University
Istanbul, Turkey
Aleksandra Galek, Katarzyna Żukrowska
Competitiveness of the EU Neighbours after the
2004/2007 EU enlargement
International Security Department
Warsaw School of Economics- Poland
Jamil Mouawad
The Political Impact of the EU Fifth Enlargement on the
Mediterranean Region
The Lebanese Center for Policy Studies
Prof. Katarzyna Żukrowska
Malgorzata Grącik, Joanna Stryjek and Magda Hussain
Economic Domestic Reforms in Mediterranean Partner Countries
International Security Department
Warsaw School of Economics
Marcin Zbytniewski
Pro-democratic domestic reforms in the
Mediterranean Partnership Countries
International Security Department Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
Ahmed Driouchi & Nada Zouag
Overview & Discussion of Impacts of Domestic Reforms in
Mediterranean Partner Countries of the
European Union
Institute of Economic Analysis & Prospective Studies (IEAPS)
Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane
Christophe Lavialle
Arab Mediterranean Countries facing the "second generation"
of Reforms: A Political Economy Standpoint
Laboratoire d'Économie d'Orléans(LEO), University of Orléans
Ibrahim Saif
The Process of Economic Reform in Jordan
Center for Strategic Studies
University of Jordan
Khalil Gebara
The Particularity of MENA Integration: The Case of Lebanon
Lebanese Center for Policy Studies
Beirut, Lebanon
Thoraya El-Rayyes
Trade and Regional Integration
Between Mediterranean Partner Countries
Center for Strategic Studies, University of Jordan
Pablo Gandara
The Role of Energy for Regional Integration in the EMP:
Strengthening Institutions
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Freie Universität Berlin
Rafael de Arce, Patricia Argerey, Christina Boboc
and Ramon Mahia
An Analysis of Demographic Changes in the
Euro-Mediterranean Region and Migration Movements in the
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos, Universidad CEU San Pablo, Spain
Laboratoire d'Économie d'Orléans (LEO), University of Orléans, France
Cristina Boboc, Hugues Jennequin,
Anne Lavigne, Isabelle Rabaud and Elif Unan
Migration as a Win-Win Process in the Euro-Mediterranean
Area: Remittances and Intergenerational Transfers between
Countries with Different Demographic Cycles
Laboratoire d'Économie d'Orléans(LEO), University of Orléans
Thierry Baudassé
Ahmed Driouchi
The Variety of Cultural Values and the Role of Education &
Research for the Improvement of Intercultural Dialogues
Laboratoire d'Économie d'Orléans (LEO), University of Orléans, France ,
IEAPS, Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane, Morocco
Juliano Crespo, Lucana Estevez
Alfonso Rincon
The Influence of External Actors on
Security Cooperation in the MENA:
Are the US and EU Security Interests in the MENA
Complementary or Conflictive?
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, Instituto de Estudios Europeos, Madrid, Spain
Bahri Yilmaz
Geopolitical Challenges in the Middle East
Political Legitimacy and Regional Security
Sabanci University Istanbul, Turkey
Mark Furness
Regional Security in the Middle East and North Africa:
Developing an Institutional Framework for Cooperation?
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Freie Universität Berlin
Beata Jagiello
Democratic movement in the Mediterranean Partnership
Warsaw School of Economics
International Security Department
Go-EuroMed Summary Reports
>> GO-EuroMed Stage 1 summary <<
Working Package Summary of Findings 2006
Go-EuroMed Working Papers 2006
No. |
Author |
Title |
Institute |
Pablo Gándara/Max Büge
The European Union’s Trade Policy towards the Southern Mediterranean: Coherence or Chaos?
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Isabelle Rabaud/Thierry Montalieu
Trade in services: How does it work for MENA countries?
Version Francaise
Laboratoire d’Économie d’Orléans (LEO), University of Orléans France
Bahri Yılmaz/Gökçe Akın
International Competitiveness and Foreign Trade Specialization: The Mediterranean Neighbouring Countries and the EU15
Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey
Hugues Jennequin/Isabelle Rabaud
Location of Industries in MENA countries, in the EU and NMS: a Comparative analysis
Laboratoire d’Économie d’Orléans University of Orléans France
Prof. Katarzyna Żukrowska/Aleksandra Galek/Magda Hussain/Paweł Czerpak/Małgorzata Grącik/Joanna Stryjek
FDI in Mediterranean Partnership Countries. How to improve the institutional environment in Mediterranean region in order to attract the FDI?
International Security Department, Warsaw School of Economics Poland
Bahri Yılmaz/Gökçe Akın
Foreign Direct Investments in the Mediterranean Countries: Developments and Determinants of FDI in the Mediterranean Countries
Sabanci University, Istanbul Turkey
Ghassan Omet/Ibrahim Saif
Foreign Direct Investment in the MENA Region and Jordan: Regional Experience and Causality Analysis
The Centre for Strategic Studies, The University of Jordan
Christophe Lavialle/Elif Unan
Institutional Aspects of the Governance of Labour Markets in the Euro-Mediterranean Case
Laboratoire d'économie d'Orléans (LEO), University of Orléans, France.ö
Patricia Argerey/Inmaculada Hurtado
The European Migration Policy: Its Approach Towards the Mediterranean Countries
Institute for European Studies, San Pablo CEU University, Madrid, Spain
Ahmed Driouchi/Cristina Trandas-Boboc/Nada Zouag
Migration of Highly Skilled Labor & the New Economics of Brain Drain
Institute of Economic Analysis & Prospective Studies (IEAPS), Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane (AUI), Morocco,
Laboratory of Economics, Orléans (LEO), University of Orléans, France,
IEAPS, AUI, Morocco
Alfonso Rincón/Luis Emilio Ramos/Lucana Estévez
Soft-security within the Euro-Mediterranean partnership
University Institute for European Studies, CEU San Pablo University, Madrid, Spain
Saleem Haddad
The Cultural Component of Security within the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: Perceptions and Misperceptions
Centre for Strategic Studies, University of Jordan Amman, Jordan
Mark Furness
The European 'Security Community' as an export commodity: EU security policy and crisis resolution in the Middle East and North Africa.
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Thilo Bodenstein/Mark Furness
The Edges of External Governance Europe and its Mediterranean Neighbours
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Prof. Katarzyna Żukrowska/Aleksandra Galek/Marcin Zbytniewski/Beata Jagiełło, Magda Hussain/Małgorzata Grącik
Easternization vs Southernization. The European Neighbourhood Policy and the Polish foreign policy interests
International Security Department, Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), Poland
Saleem Haddad/Sandra Pogodda
The European Neighbourhood Policy A View From the South
GO-EuroMed Consortium
Thierry Baudassé
Governance and Migration in a South-North Partnership: the
Teaching of Economic Analysis
LEO University of Orleans, France
Patricia Argerey/Inmaculada Hurtado, Thierry Baudassé
The Labour Side Agreement in NAFTA: an example to follow?
Institute for European Studies, San Pablo CEU University, Madrid, Spain
LEO University of Orleans, France
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