
Project Reports

  3rd GO-EuroMed Workshop on 3rd-5th of Mai

The Centre for Strategic Studies of University of Jordan hosted on 3rd-5th of Mai the 3rd workshop GO-EuroMed. Special emphasis lied on the Working Packages “Regional Integration” and “Demography and Migration”. For a detailed report of the meeting, please download the document here.

  GO-EuroMed Conference on February 1st, 2nd and 3rd 2007

The Sabanci University Istanbul hosted the second GO-EuroMed Conference on February 1st, 2nd and 3rd 2007. The public section of the conference was attended by representatives from the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as by outstanding academics, think-tanks researchers, students and general audience from Turkey. The most important public events from the conference were the presentation of the Key-Findings of GO-EuroMed 1st stage research as well as a panel discussion about Turkey’s role in the EuroMed Partnership.
Please read the complete conference report here.

  Workshop Report Orléans (29. September 2006)

Prof. Lavigne and the French team of the Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orléans (LEO) hosted the second Workshop of the Go-EuroMed project from the 7th to 9th of September in Orléans.
The partners discussed work in progress and organizational issues. Read more in the report below.

Download: Report-Orleans-WS.pdf

September 5, 2006: Executive Summaries of Working Packages

Working Packages I-IV: Executive Summaries

Below you will find the executive summaries of the single working packages prepared by the working package coordinators. These include the main research questions, methodology and expected findings.

The Political Economy of Trade in EuroMed (46 KB)
The Political Economy of Euro-Med. Investment (14 KB)
Working Package 3: Scheme of Work (62 KB)
Political Economy of the EMP's Security and Socio-cultural 'Pillars' (39 KB)
The Political Economy of Euro-Mediterranean Negotiations (20 KB)

August 15, 2006: Warsawa Workshop Report

Workshop Report

Prof. Zukrowska and the Polish team of the Warsaw School of Economics hosted the first Workshop of the Go-EuroMed project from the 22nd to 24th of June in Warsaw.
The partners discussed work in progress and organizational issues. Read more in the report below.

Download: Warsawa Workshop Report.pdf (721 KB)

April 03, 2006: Berlin Conference Report

Conference Report

The GO-EuroMed project consortium held its ‘kick off’ conference in Berlin from 16-18 February 2006. The meeting was hosted by the project coordinator, Professor Dr. Michael Bolle, and the staff of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, Freie Universität Berlin. The location was the premises of the Representation of the European Commission in Germany, a stone’s throw from the Brandenburg Gate in central Berlin. [...]

Download: Berlin Conference Report.pdf (721 KB)

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